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Teaching Myself To Be free

And the air was full

Of various storms and saints

Praying in the street

As the banks began to break

And I'm in the throes of it

Somewhere in the belly of the beast

But you took your toll on me

So I gave myself over willingly

Oh, you got a hold on me

I don't know how I don't just stand outside and scream

I am teaching myself how to be free

The monument of a memory

You tear it down in your head

Don't make the mountain your enemy

Get out, get up there instead

You saw the stars out in front of you

Too tempting not to touch

But even though it shocked you

Something's electric in your blood

And people just untie themselves

Uncurling lifelines

If you could just forgive yourself


Mesh Head: Lelu Evo X- Briannon

Lipstick:-SU!- Cyber Necromancer FX Makeup -Lelutka-

Ear Fade:[CONTRARION] EvoX Ear Paints - {Black}

Hair:Sintiklia - Hair Olufemi - Ombres

Witch Tattoo:DAPPA - The Witch Tattoo.

Flower Tattoo (On Arms): DAPPA - Wraith Tattoo. ((60L for happy weekend sale))

Neck Fade:Muu~ Lelutka Evo X Simple Neck Fade

EyeBrows:WarPaint* Anthea brows [Lel Evo X] - black

Moon Face Tattoo/Eyeliner:Ladybird. // Rina Face Tattoos - Moon 1

Horns:bonbon - kaori horns (unrig)

Dress:+Psycho Barbie+ [Celeste Dress] ((60L for happy weekend sale))

Collar:DREAMCATCHER // Cat Choker / Unisex accessory @ Fetish Event

Earrings:DREAMCATCHER // Witch's hands - errings

Glasses:!13ACT - Spider eyeglasses #Basic Pack

Location:Maison Du Lapin-Voice/Gacha Hangout



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