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Make Me Feel Like I'm Not a Person

All your insults and your curses Make me feel like I'm not a person And I feel like I am nothing But you made me so do something

'Cause I'm fucked up,

because you are Need attention Attention you couldn't give


Hair: Gus By Burley

I will say a little here about the legacy body. Yes, its 5k. YEs, thats a lot. NO it does not allow OMEGA. BUT I AM IN LOVE. The details are amazing. There are deformers so now i can wear belleza jake or slink body clothes on m legacy body-dont have to wait until people start making more clothes for this body AT ALL. i wear all my old clothes and new clothes already. ANOTHER NICE PERK-I DID NOT HAVE TO BUY A SKIN APPLIER FOR T.V SKINS. Why? Because I used TMP back in the day. ANY TMP SKINS you had before, as well as tattoos, etc, are auto loaded onto the LEGACY Style hud. I paid no extra or had any hassle having to track down a new skin tone, because i love my T.V Skins. This also worked out well because i didnt have to buy a skin applier for my head either!

Skin: Tableu Vivant Tone 1, T.V SKINS ARE AUTO BUILT INTO THE LELUTKA HEADS!!! If you buy the anrea head, the skin for the body applier is ALREADYTHERE! There is other T.V skins you can buy at the Lelutka store, but I didnt need to.

Mesh Head: Lelutka Andrea*Remember, IF you like T.V SKINS, YOU DONT NEED TO BUY A NEW APPLIER, they are auto built into the LElutka Andrea HUD.

Face Tattoo: -[CL]- #10 Face Tattoo 1 Lelutka ((Has Catwa and Omega Options))

Body Tattoo: Dappa-Spike Tattoo

Gloves: ANTINATURAL[+] Lost Saints / Hand of God / JAKE / RARE

Harness/Coat: ::GB::Wizard Court & Harnes (Black)

Pants: antisystem // Joe Pants - Black

Shoes: Oxford Shoes by Deadwool

Ears: Swallow Dragon Ears

Piercing:BLAXIUM -Munro Piercings- Bento ANDREA

Bloody Lip:Clemmm - Nosebleeds *ALL*

Magic Orb: + Shadow Orb Censor + {egosumaii}

Thanks to my amazing friend Chii ((Satana)) For letting me using her house as a photo prop! This build is a castle by DRD and can be found in gacha form or copy form at the DRD store in world.



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