I brought you light But you'd rather live in the dark We always fight Don't even know what is the cause Still asking why Fuck it babe, what is the point You're feeding me lies And I'm tired of playing the part You broke me down I'm nothing but marrow and bone Rot to the core Chewed up and spit on the floor I'm leaving now Can't take this shit anymore And if you're holding me down Then why am I outta control
sKIN:NamiiChu ~ Heize Skin - Light Tone - Catwa@BLUSH
Eyes: BLOOM Eyes Kano Collection
HAIR: Sintiklia - Hair Xia - Blacks&whites
eyeliner: teapi . eyeliner for CATWA head HUD
lipstick: suicidal unborn-hectate lipstick
mesh body: maitreya lara
ears: + Cotton Usagi + {aii}
Shoes/Socks: Kio-Kio=PRetty Sweet Sneaks
Forehead Moon:[ACC][taketomi] - Black Moon Piece
Necklace:[Atomic] Celestial Choker
sponsored by: kio-kio